Alik Potassium nitrate
Nitrogen 13 %
Potassium 46%
Alec fertilizer is characterized as an NK fertilizer that is completely dissolved in water, containing nitrogen in the form of nitrate by 13.7% and potash oxide by 46% and compared with other sources of potash dissolved in water
flowers, vegetables, strawberries, indoor and outdoor plants), tobacco, potatoes, fruit trees, grapes, citrus, pineapple, cotton banana, mango, olives, tomatoes, potatoes, home gardens and greenery. Alec K provides many positive effects such as increased root growth, improves drought resistance, reduces water loss and wilting, improves winter cold resistance and improves resistance to pests and diseases. These effects lead to many qualitative improvements that are reflected as follows:
increases protein content in plants
Increases the amount of starch found in grains and tubers
Increases vitamin C and solid content
Improves fruit color and flavor.
improve fruit size
Increases the thickness of the shell.
Reduces physiological disorders (creasing and cracking in citrus, ripening and spots in tomatoes)
Enhances storage and shipping quality
Increases shelf life.