(resistance to root rot and nutrition)


Phosphorus P :
26.1% (w/l)
Potassium K:
22.7% (w/N)

Benefits of the compound:

Souad Ante is fast absorbed because the elements are loaded with amino acids, carboxylic acids and monosaccharides.
The compound is characterized by the presence of phosphorus in two forms, phosphate as nutrition and phosphate as prevention and treatment of:
Fungal diseases such as: Downy mildew and mealybug diseases in onions Cucumber Cantaloupe Grapes
Diseases of the fungi of phytophora such as: late blight in potatoes and tomatoes.
Diseases of pythium and fusarium fungi on: seedlings of vegetables and fruits (root rot).
It also contains potassium and also zinc and magnesium, so the Ante compound has a major role in the plant, especially in raising plant immunity, and also works to raise the efficiency of the flowering process, nodes, growth and development of fruits in different crops, which increases the size of the crop and quality in terms of color, shape and taste

Dosage and rate of use:

Fertilization (root rot) immediately after seedling: 500 cm / acre.
Fertilization (fusarium wilt): 1 liter / acre.
Foliar spraying (fungal infection such as downy mildew, mealybug and blight): 500 cm / 200 liters of water.