Oshaa Calcium Nitrate

15.5-0-0-26 Cao


Nitrogen 15.5%

Calcium 26%

Boat Features

A white-looking fertilizer compound that is quickly soluble in water composed of two ideal elements, nitrogen and caseum, and is easily absorbed by the plant.
This formula is completely dissolved in water as it works to dissolve the plant with these two elements with high efficiency that is unparalleled in other fertilizers.
– This formula is a quick-dissolving uncovered granules that can be used in greenhouses and open fields, whether by sprinkler or drip irrigation systems.
Calcium has an active role in the movement of carbohydrate transport in the plant and increases the thickness of the outer skin of the fruits, which helps to transport and store them.
Calcium increases plant resistance to diseases (rot of the epidural tip, screw head, cracked fruits, prevention and treatment of caseum deficiency).
Calcium lowers soil salinity when used by drip irrigation.
Nitrogen helps in building protein quickly within the plant.
Calcium plays an important role in activating enzymes and meristem tissues in developing tops and encourages the growth of root hairs.
Calcium helps to increase production, improve the color and thickness of fruits, improve the properties of fruits.


Osha calcium nitrate dissolves in plain water 100% (fully dissolved)

Usage rates

By fertilization from 3/8 kg per acre or according to the fertilization program or the nature of the land and the need of the plant