Npk 20-20+ 5% S
( Express Safety )
Nitrogen : 20%
Phosphorus : 20%
Potassium: 20%
Features of the compound:
Xpress is an integrated ground and foliar fertilizer with a set of major elements and elements. Micro-fast solubility and absorption
Xpress contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in pure pictures. And easy to absorb so increases the vegetative total
Xpress treats the symptoms of deficiency of major and minor elements on X plants. Press reduces stress from heat and frost
Usage rates:
Stage of use
Right after the seedling
Yield Dosage (kg/acre day)
Vegetables / 3-2
Stage of use
Before flowering
Yield Dosage (kg/acre day)
Fruit / 4-2
Stage of use
Branching stages
Yield Dosage (kg/acre day)
Field crops / 2-1.5